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Partner with a Missionary

You can further the work of the kingdom by partnering with one of our missionaries.
Kelsey serves as a house mom in Honduras, caring for five abandoned children. Her heart is to give these kids a loving home and point them to Jesus.
Ruth reaches out to women desiring to provide encouragement and a listening ear.  Her heart is to see these women fulfill God’s purpose.
Victoria serves in Honduras as a house-mom and a nurse at PTC. She provides these children with a safe and loving family, pointing them to Jesus.
David is a dynamic leader with a global vision for compassionate ministry and is uniquely gifted in sharing God’s love through Christ.
Having served many years in Asia, Jim and Marilyn now focus on intercessory prayer for missionaries and the ministries of multiple agencies.
Stephen and Celeste are the founders of a Christian school in Malawi. They desire to train a new generation to be strong followers of Jesus.
The Griffiths are WIM’s Member Care Directors. They lead a team that supports missionaries so that they thrive and flourish in their ministry.
Chris and Vonda serve in WIM’s home office, Chris as president, and Vonda as receptionist. They daily exhibit servant leadership.
Charlie and Sharon have served as indigenous church planters in Mexico for many years. They now focus on leadership development.