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Partner with a Missionary

You can further the work of the kingdom by partnering with one of our missionaries.
Pam works in Kenya with various ministries to provide resources and leadership training for a school, several churches, and orphaned children.
Francesca has been serving locally in the US as an educator. She enjoys working with students and helping them see their full potential while...
The Griffiths are WIM’s Member Care Directors. They lead a team that supports missionaries so that they thrive and flourish in their ministry.
Having ministered in southern Mexico more than 35 years, Gene and Isidra focus their efforts on serving the widows in the town where they live.
Dave and Polly served as mentors in Asia for many years. They still provide leadership training during short-term trips and distance learning.
Jessica joined WIM in March of 2024. She is serving at PTC in Honduras. She serves as a house mom to three children.
The P's are a dynamic family of four, who have been living and serving on the field since 2016.
Tony is preparing to serve in Central Asia.
Dereje and Hirut founded, built, and now direct a Christian school in Ethiopia. They also oversee numerous community development projects.