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Partner with a Missionary

You can further the work of the kingdom by partnering with one of our missionaries.
Pam is the co-founder of a home for at-risk girls in Honduras. Pam is “mom” to many in need of protection, guidance, and support.
John serves Nation-2-Nation through his skills as a producer.
Ed and Pam serve in Russia to a rarely targeted group: international university students. The focus is on discipleship for life.
After serving in four Latin American countries, Jerry and Miok focused on training leaders and making disciples using a program they developed.
Colter and Daniella serve in a number of different ministries with their major focus being on building the local church.
Chuck and Mary Nell use biblical storytelling to unfold God’s story to unbelievers in Southeast Asia.
Lara serves cross-cultural teams and leaders meeting practical, logistical and spiritual needs through administration, support, and encouragement.  
Jessica joined WIM in March of 2024. She is serving at PTC in Honduras. She serves as a house mom to three children.
Rosy serves as a house mom in Honduras caring for four girls. She desires to use her law degree to be an advocate for the children of her country.